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The doctors in the Whitstable Medical Practice, in common with all other general practitioners in the United Kingdom are bound by the General Medical Council Code of Conduct entitled "Good Medical Practice". The Partners in Whitstable Medical Practice want to make our patients and the wider community aware that they provide many of the additional clinics that are held within the Practice.

For clarity, Whitstable Medical Practice receives financial compensation for provision of the building and its diagnostic, out-patient and day surgery services. This enables the practice to pay for these facilities and to reinvest in new services bringing care into the community and often at less cost to the NHS. You will always have a choice as to where you wish to be referred.

Our over-riding professional duty to you, our patients, is to place your clinical interests first. You can be assured that any treatment proposed or any referral made is done solely because we believe it is the best course of action for your healthcare.

Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
QiC Dermatology - Quality in Care Programme 2024
Proud to be a Parkrun Practice