Mission Statement


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Mission Statement taken from CQC Statement of Purpose

Whitstable Medical Practice aims to provide the highest standard of care possible for the 42,945 registered patients and patients from the surrounding area attending the Urgent Treatment Centre or community services.  This will be done without prejudice of any kind.

All General Practitioners will adhere to the GMC Code of Conduct and work within the good medical practice requirements of the GMC.  They will work to the GMC guidance on raising and acting on concerns about patient safety and they will adhere to the GMC's ethical guidance.

All other clinicians will work to the Code of Conduct of their professional body.  They will follow good medical practice and adhere to standards for medicines management.

The Practice will maintain high standards by ensuring all staff take part in continuous learning and training programmes.

Patients will be treated with dignity and respect at all times. 

All staff will maintain confidentiality always.

They will be open and honest and act with integrity.

Practice staff will adhere to all policies for the safety and well being of patients and work colleagues.

Staff will do nothing to bring the Practice into disrepute and will respect the views of others.  They will declare any conflicts of interest.

Whitstable Medical Practice objectives are to improve patient experiences and outcomes and constantly improve the quality of care given to patients.  By having robust systems in place patients will be assured of sound clinical governance and supervision.

Clinicians will strive to ensure patients receive the best possible care in the setting that is most appropriate for that individual.

The Practice engages with their Patient Participation Group to ensure the service being delivered meets the needs of the local population.

All the regulated activities will be available at all the locations managed by Whitstable Medical Practice.  This ensures that patients have access to high quality care within easy reach of their homes.

Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
QiC Dermatology - Quality in Care Programme 2024
Proud to be a Parkrun Practice