PPG Signup Form

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Patient Participation Group Sign Up
Please note, if your browser does not support standard date input please use yyyy-mm-dd
Please double check you've entered the correct email address
This is used to help monitor that the group is represent a cross section of patients
May be used to identify you
Do you look after a relative or close friend as a Carer?: *
Confidentiality Code of Conduct

During your time volunteering for the Whitstable Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (WMP PPG), you may acquire or have access to confidential information which must not be disclosed to any other person unless in pursuit of your duties or with specific permission given by a person on behalf of the WMP PPG. This condition applies during your relationship with the group and after the relationship ceases.

Confidential information includes all information relating to Whitstable Medical Practice, its patients and staff. Whilst participating with the WMP PPG, you may come into contact with this information.

An example of the WMP PPG commitment to the General Data Protection Requirements legislation is the request for your authorisation to access your contact information so that the group can invite you to meetings and/or send you information about its services.

Declaration of interest

Please choose the option which applies to you: *

Privacy Consent


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Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
QiC Dermatology - Quality in Care Programme 2024
Proud to be a Parkrun Practice